
New families may contact me by email to schedule a complimentary consultation. I value the opportunity to meet with potential students to discuss questions that you and your child may have concerning lessons. When you register for lessons you are making a commitment for the entire school year and you are agreeing to the following Studio Policies:


Instruments & Accessories

All piano students will need to have a piano at home for daily practicing. I recommend a tuned acoustic piano, however a digital piano with 88 weighted and “touch sensitive” keys plus proper foot pedals is acceptable for early levels. Other models may be acceptable for entry level students, please feel free to discuss with me if what you have will work for your learner. All guitar students will need to have a guitar and tuner at home for daily practicing. All students will need a metronome. Metronomes may be purchased at the local music store or as an app for Smart-devices.



Tuition is due by the first class of the month. If it is not received by the end of the month your lesson slot may be terminated. You may choose to pay in weekly or monthly installments. Payments are made online through the website or etransfer.

Rates by instrument:

  • Private Voice $35/lesson
  • Private Piano $30/lesson
  • Private Guitar $25/lesson
  • Private Uke $25/lesson
  • Private Recorder $25/lesson
  • Guitar Group $25/lesson
  • MYC Group Classes $720/year + materials
  • Sunrise $175/10-week block
  • Pusic Pups $140/10-week block 


Practice Expectations

Students need to prepare for each lesson by making weekly progress on all parts of the assignment. This requires a commitment to practicing at home each day. Practice times will vary throughout the year depending on our goals and projects. Parents should ensure that children practice at least 5 days each week, as consistency is the key to long-term success.


At the Studio

I expect students to arrive on time with their books each week. Students are welcome to come in without ringing the bell, but should take care when coming and going to not let the dog go outside. Please remind your children to develop the habit of clipping nails and washing hands before lesson time. Students may wait in the living room briefly before or after lessons. Parents should always watch to see that children are safely inside the door before driving away. Any damage to studio property must be compensated for with either a monetary compensation or replacement of the damaged item. 


Lesson Cancellations

My preference is to maintain consistent instruction with your children to keep progress and motivation on track. However, I run my studio at full capacity so if a lesson is cancelled, rescheduling is not always possible. These are my policies regarding lesson cancellations:

  1. Rescheduling: Rescheduling must take place within 5 days of the cancelled lesson (before or after), otherwise the lesson is forfeited. You may also swap lessons with another family as long as you let me know the specific dates of the swap.
  2. Written Notice for Cancellations: A parent should give written notice by email or text if a lesson is going to be cancelled. The more advance notice you give, the more you are helping other families find rescheduling solutions. As a guide: vacations should receive 3-4 weeks notice; sports, appointments and special events 1-2 weeks; illness 1-3 days.
  3. Storm Days: If there is currently severe weather lessons will be cancelled as the studio driveway can be treacherous in bad weather. Online lessons may be available during severe weather situations. Please use your own judgment and email if you feel very uncomfortable with transportation and check the website for rescheduling options.  
  4. Holidays: The studio closes during some, but not all holidays. Important dates will be posted on the website. The studio will remain open and lessons running as usual during school PA days.
  5. Illness: Please do not send children to piano lessons if they are contagious with a flu or virus. Voice students should not come in if they have a sore throat for any reason as exercising vocal muscles at such a time can be damaging to the vocal cords. If they choose to come to the lesson anyway we will not be singing but will instead focus on theory. I very rarely take a sick day so I appreciate your consideration in helping me run a healthy studio.  


Ending Lessons

All students stop taking lessons at some point. Ideally, this decision is made thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent and student so we can complete the year with a positive sense of closure. If there is a problem at any time, please talk to me so I can help make necessary changes. The journey of studying music is full of ups and downs, I have navigated this path many times. Please keep me in the conversation and let's enjoy the journey from beginning to end.

MYC students please note that if you choose to pull out of lessons after October you will be required to pay for the full year as the spot cannot be filled at that time.


Staying in Touch

Please keep in mind that running a home-based business comes with necessary boundaries. You can help by following these simple requests:

  1. Email or text: This is the best way to contact me. I will read any messages that come in and respond as promptly as I can.
  2. Phone: If you need to speak with me, I can take calls between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm on weekdays or after 4:00 pm on weekends. I do not take phone calls while I am teaching. My phone number is on the contact page.
  3. Keeping in touch: I use email to send out studio information from time to time, please make sure that I have a current email address and add the studio email (including to your safe emails list. By registering for lessons you are indicating your agreement to have these emails sent to you.